Creating a temporary SAS array of dynamic size

Arrays in SAS are incredibly useful things. For example, if you’re dealing with a concomitant medications dataset and want to check for certain medicines across multiple columns, you’d be hard-pressed to find a faster method than using arrays! Within the SDTM.CM domain, medication names are spread across several columns, usually: CMTRT (Reported Name of Drug, […]

Significant Figures in SAS

For three significant figures, the SAS Institute provides the following code snippet to accomplish the task. However, it is often useful to round to more or less than 3 significant figures. I’ve developed a macro to do so for my own use and am sharing the code below.

NONMEM Dataset Example (free, with R code)

I’m making available here a basic NONMEM dataset example, along with the R code used to create it. Hopefully it will be helpful to someone in future! CSV download: XPT download: