Significant Figures in SAS
For three significant figures, the SAS Institute provides the following code snippet to accomplish the task.
However, it is often useful to round to more or less than 3 significant figures. I’ve developed a macro to do so for my own use and am sharing the code below.
%macro _nsigfig(varin=, varout=, n=);
if &varin. = 0 then &varout. = 0;
else do;
if int(&varin.) ^= 0 then do;
&varout. = round(&varin., 10**(int(log10(abs(&varin.))) + (1 - &n.)));
else do;
&varout. = round(&varin., 10**(-1*(abs(int(log10(abs(&varin.)))) + &n.)));
%mend _nsigfig;
Filed under: Pharma,Programming,SAS - @ September 23, 2021 09:54
Tags: pharma, sas, sigfig, significant figures